Hello readers! This is the first time I’ve actually managed to keep a blog for an entire year. So, before we enter 2011, I thought we could take a look back.
Locations: Provo
Included: According to my blog archives, all I’m gathering is that I took an insane amount of credits (don’t do it!), started an internship on top of it and work, watched Chuck, and went on an adventure to the Sundance Film Festival (picture above).
Locations: Provo, Las Vegas, St. George
Included: Just the normal school and work at The Daily Universe, plus my first roadtrip to Vegas with Annie! Above, a picture of the cold at Utah Lake.
Locations: Provo
Included: I can’t really find any evidence that I did anything this month. But I did turn 21!
Locations: Provo, Washington D.C.
Included: This is when things got interesting! After school ended, I headed straight to Washington D.C. for my internship at WHERE Magazine, where I got to explore a new city and make a lot of friends at the Barlow.
Locations: Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York
Included: Despite the fact that I only blogged three times, this month was pretty action packed! Everyone in Washington Seminar squished into a bus for a roadtrip to Philadelphia for a weekend, where we were able to enjoy history and Philly cheese steaks (this also made for one of my favorite blog posts of the year picture-wise). I also went up to Baltimore with Sweeney for work on a day trip. And of course we were working, enjoying D.C. (including national’s baseball games, finding new restaurants, mount vernon…) and doing homework all at the same time! Oh, and we went to New York City for memorial day too! No wonder I didn’t have time to blog.
Locations: Washington, D.C.
Included: At the end of Washington Seminar we actually joked that we had no idea what we did in June. Seriously, none of us can remember! I’d say it’s safe to say that we were still working at our internships. And I know I went to the Newseum and watched the world cup, if only because of the date stamped on my photos. The most random thing we did? Probably the free 7 a.m. Jonas Brothers concert before work.
Locations: Washington, D.C., Gettysburg, Ocean City, Md.
Included: Possibly the best month in D.C., if only because the Fourth of July on the mall was so awesome! Seriously, look at the pictures for evidence. July also featured a lot of classic summer activities, like going to the beach, riding a rollercoaster, watching outdoor movies, going to markets and eating lots of hamburgers at Good Stuff and Ray’s Hell Burger. With a bonus trip to Gettysburg.
Locations: Washington, D.C., Portland, Provo
Included: My adventures in D.C. ended strong. I definitely took the latest flight home I could, and used every last moment I could! Now I just need to go back. Being home for a little bit before taking Amber to college was really nice too.
Locations: Provo
Included: Life was back to normal at school in Provo, still working at The Daily Universe, but in a nice new apartment. Oh, and I bought a record player. Wonderful decision.
Locations: Provo, Las Vegas
Included: We celebrated Halloween and James Bond, and I even escaped back to Las Vegas for a journalism conference.
Locations: Provo, St. George
Included: This month was great because it included Thanksgiving, where I got to see Kasey while staying at her grandparents’ in St. George for a few days.
Locations: Provo, Portland
Included: Christmas Break! That is the most important part. And I don’t want it to ever end…