Saturday, September 14, 2013

Celebrating 22 Years of Fun

This past Thursday was my wonderful sister Amber’s birthday! So today when she came down to visit (because she’s nice and comes to me since I don’t have a car) we had a fantastic excuse to eat a special lunch at nearby Gourmandise.


Because it was a special occasion we treated ourselves to tasty white chocolate & fresh strawberry frappes…



and delicious sandwiches. I highly recommend it!


It was kinda funny though because since it is so close we decided to walk and while on the way there it was a beautiful perfect fall morning…


On the way back it was a little different!

A good rainstorm can always be refreshing though. Overall, a beautiful day! And it isn’t even over yet.

Thanks for being born, Amber!

*song of the day = Ghosts by The National Parks, Amber’s friend’s band!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Japanese Hike: Mt. Maruyama

After a long wait, I am back with another lost entry about Japan! Coming up this time: my last p-day.

For some reason when I left on my mission I had the image of p-day equaling mountain hiking. It took me until the end of my mission to finally be able to fulfill my dream (I was always in a far away area. Or it was snowing. Pesky snow), but it was worth it and I feel like I definitely need to share!

We climbed Mt. Maruyama, which is in the huge Maruyama park in Sapporo. It wasn’t too long, but fairly steep and provided us with a great view.


We started off at the mission home…


Journeyed through the park to the starting point…


Walked up and up and up…



And got to see a great view of the city of Sapporo!




Maybe we played a little up there too.




And made it back down with a mission hiking goal accomplished! (There are many more mountains though, so I might have to go back…)

In case there weren’t enough pictures for you:


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