Monday, December 3, 2012

The snow continues!

Hello wonderful family and friends!

I apologize, because this is another ten minute email week. It happens.

Random thing unrelated to anything important that I was excited to discover today while shopping at the Sapporo Train Station -- they have Eggpress, the letterpress card company from Oregon that I adore (see previous blog posts...), cards in Japan! Way to go cool Portland companies. Ok, moving on.

This week featured our first batch of some blizzards, and it was pretty interesting to see how fast the snow here can pile up! So without further ado, since time is limited, I`ll send some pics.

First up: When we went into our district meeting, all of the snow from the previous day had melted. But when we came out, we discovered this.

We go out to eat after district meeting every week, so this time we went to a favorite Chinese restaurant and ate warm ramen.

We also had warm ups for the missionary service project of the next 5 months... shoveling snow!

Once we get full into winter it snows so much that people have to shovel it at least like three times a day, along with their breakfast, lunch and dinner. A lot of people wake up as early as 4 a.m. every day to get started. It`s crazy because you`ll even see old grandmas and grandpas out shoveling! I have to give the people of Hokkaido props for being hard workers.

And that`s all I have time for this week! Sorry! Just know that I love you, and that the work is going well.

Word of the Week;
yukikaki = snow shoveling

Scripture of the Week:
Psalms 119:105 (Old Testament)
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

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