Monday, August 27, 2012

White in Ebetsu!

Hello! So I probably am only going to have like fifteen minutes to email today, so my plan is to write as fast as I can and see what I can get in! Today has been really fun though -- pretty much all of the Sapporo missionaries (well, plus Ebetsu) went to the Sapporo Olympic park together today (they had the winter Olympics here in like 1972) and now we have music practice (yep, we're practicing every week again... I can't remember if I mentioned it before, but we're doing an encore for the Atsubetsu stake). Wow that sentance got super long, but the point is that I don't have time, haha.

But, I want to write! Because this past week was especially awesome because yesterday I got to see a baptism for the first time during my mission! It wan't one of our investigators, but it didn't even matter because it was so happy to see. It was actually a father and daughter -- the mother is a member and the daughter had turned eight so the father decided he wanted to be baptized with her and it was pretty much the cutest thing ever. The father, Taira San, actually came up to the Elders a couple of weeks ago and said he would like the be baptized, and has been meeting with them since then to prepare. He really wants to set a good example for his family, which is awesome -- right now they have four kids, and the mom is pregnant with twins. We got to teach Rin Chan a fun little lesson this past week too and it was so much fun -- we used all of our fun examples for gospel principles, including folding some origami and seeing what presents we have from Heavenly Father, and had just a great time. Yay!

Ok, I have a few minutes so I might be able to send a picture... I will try to be fast!

I got to take Imanishi Shimai to Oregon this week! We got to see Mt. Hood and the MAX and even sip a smoothie made with blueberries from Oregon. Ok, maybe we were still in Ebetsu but it was great to have a taste of home! Literally, haha. The Gresham-Ebetsu exchange is a hip place.

If I can't see it, it is like it isn't happening.

Ah and practice is resuming but we had a BBQ!

I will try and see if I can fight the elders for come more computer time after!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!

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