Thursday, October 27, 2011

And I’ll Be Serving for 18 Months in…

(Drum roll please)

The Japan Sapporo Mission!! It looks like the mission covers all of Hokkaido, which is at the very top of Japan.

I’m super excited!! So here are some pretty pictures from the interweb of where I’ll be.

Hokkaido scenery [Page 3][165156510]

Hokkaido scenery [Page 2][165156509]

And The Official Hokkaido Video. Which shows more prettyness.

And of course some stuff from the actual opening! My mom is still in Hawaii (see my latest posts) and Amber is at school at BYU, so once my dad got home we got my mom on Skype on the cell phone and Amber on Skype on my laptop and I opened up the call! It was great!

Here is what it looked like when it went down:



Plus video, if you so desire.

Yay yay yay! I report to the Provo MTC two months from tomorrow! So crazy!

*song = Turning Japanese by the Vapors

1 comment:

  1. Woah, you had a ton of people who guessed Japan (according to your map). I guess it helps that you already speak some Japanese. But seriously I'm so excited for you!!! It looks beautiful!!!! I love these pictures. And you! Yay!



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